Games You Might Have Missed: Late for Love
Late for Love is a game by Gaze Team created for the Ludum Dare 41 game jam. It’s a visual novel, but also has actual gameplay elements outside of clicking through the dialogue and narrative choices. You drive a car through traffic while your friend, who’s wedding you’re heading to, talks to you.

The driving mechanic is cool because it simulates what it’s like to try to pay attention to what someone is saying while driving. You have to react to what your friend says while also keeping an eye on the road. This can be really tricky, and definitely caused me to crash more than a few times. Luckily, the game has an auto save feature so dying never sets you too far back.

Through the conversation, it becomes clear that the two of you are childhood friends who drifted apart but are now in each other’s lives again.If you follow her requests and suggestions, you’ll learn more about your past relationship. There’s a meter that fills up if you respond positively to what she says or comply with what she asks you to do. Depending on how, or if you answer her questions and statements, the direction of the story will change.
Late for Love is a fun and short look at nostalgia, relationships, and the insecurities that can come with making big life choices. You can play it completely free on its page.