Watcha Playin’?-Monster Prom
Monster Prom is a new dating sim from Beautiful Glitch that just came out last week. You play as a monster high school student with only three weeks until prom. There are 6 other monsters you can choose from to woo and try to ask to prom. Each has affinities to certain personality traits and stats, which you’re assigned during a personality test in the beginning of a round, and grow or diminish based on your actions during the game.
So far I’ve played two full rounds of the game in single player mode. I failed the first time and hardcore succeeded the second. I really like how the game’s mechanics work towards aiding you in your success or failure. If you lean into the results of the personality test and pursue who it recommends, it’s pretty easy to get with the spooky cutie you desire. I also really like how the items work and factor into the story. If you buy certain “event” ones, they’ll trigger situations with different characters that can either help or hinder your attempts at romance. RPG mechanics in a dating sim are cool, is basically what I’m saying here.
So far, I really like Monster Prom. I enjoy spooky bullshit, and while the irony of the game can be a bit much at times, the overall goofiness of it is appealing to my sensibilities. I haven’t checked out the multiplayer or online modes yet, but I’m really excited to see what a competitive multiplayer dating sim looks like.
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