What These 5 Bravery Network Fighters Would Feed Me
I saw Bravery Network for the first time at PAX West 2019 while trying desperately to find a booth with some seats to give my tired feet a much needed break. Gloam, the game’s studio, was a shining light among the dark with two free chairs at their booth, little did I know that my need to sit down, brought me to connect with a game I’ve found to be one of the most anticipated games of 2021.
Having enjoyed the styles of the many fighters in Bravery Network, I fell in love with their personalities even more, reminding me a lot of how my friends speak and present themselves online, so it brought me to the question of “how would they treat me IRL…. what would they feed me on a date?”
Here are what I believe these 5 Bravery Network Characters would cook for me.
Seyla gives off strong capricorn energy with her logical and fiery spirit, with a cute rugged little devilish look to match. She is a duelist with mostly physical type moves, letting me know she is a master with her hands. Being strong headed, and not knowing when to quit, Seyla is the perfect candidate for making enchiladas with the ever-daunting, black mole sauce.
While enchiladas are rather easy to make with its simple ingredients, black mole sauce, in Spanish mole negro (pronounced moe-leh), is easily one of the most difficult dishes to make. Oaxacan black mole sauce rounds up over 20 ingredients, and very tedious steps to successfully achieve its savory flavor, one misstep, and the whole dish can taste off. “Mole Sauce Made Easy” recipes could never go up against labor and love that is the original. I believe Seyla’s drive to win and get it right would have her concoct the perfect sauce after a few tries.
Yasmiin is very strong willed, just as Seyla is, as well as also being a fighter with a bunch of physical type moves on her belt. Although, while Seyla is a duelist, Yasmiin is a scavenger. Scavengers like taking things they find and seeing what object and be added onto what thing to make whatever project they are working even grander and better.
I feel Yasmiin would be the go-to person to ask what kind of lunch can be made with Thanksgiving leftovers. She would tell you right off the bat the usual “leftover sandwich and casserole is old news and outplayed.” She would recommend something new to keep you wanting to dig into the pounds of leftovers everyone had after the holidays. Thanksgiving leftover enchiladas would do the trick! Being able to pick from any 2 or 3 mixes of food of your choosing to slap into a crispy tortilla elevates the satisfying feeling of not having thrown out perfectly good food that might have gone bad, if you have gone with boring sandwiches.
I had a soft spot for Lise in the game, I enjoy the ride of a character being kind of a piece of shit as you learn more about them and see why they are the way they are in any media. Lise is a pretty balanced fighter with her Amie (support style attacks) and Candle (more offensive attacks) style. She wouldn’t be considered a kind character when you meet her, and I think is an example of one of those mean friends you might have had in grade school that you put up with. However, with any plot with a character that isn’t entirely evil, and just mean, there are explanations to why she behaves the way she does.
Lise hates to lose, and seems to get involved in things where she knows she has the upperhand, so I believe she would feed me Amy’s Microwavable Enchiladas, as they are quick to heat up and will get the job of satisfying a hungry me in no time.
Jane has probably one of the most impressive character designs in the game. Despite a tall intimidating stature, Jane is the softest character who seems to be overwhelmed with everything. Her tanky fighting style would make you think she was just as strong emotionally, but I relate to her in almost crying at every little inconvenience thrown my way.
I think with Jane being scared of not making something delicious, and not wanting me to have a bad time with the food, she would bring me to a restaurant to eat out. For example, midwest chain, La Mesa, would be a perfect place with their variety enchiladas ready to eat. This would give her the freedom from bearing the weight of being worried that the food she makes is bad, as well as experiencing a cute place together.
I would absolutely not let Grace lift a beautiful finger of hers to serve me. I serve her. I do the cleaning, cooking, working, and anything else she wants. I’m in love with her, and its my responsibility that she eats before I do. Having her look in my direction is a privilege and I recognize that. She’s perfect and any criticism she may receive about anything is wrong.
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